David Schwartz, Ripple Labs’ Chief Technology Officer and XRP Ledger CoFounder, recently shared a tweet featuring Elon Musk and made a comment that some of his followers perceived as a jab at the innovative tech billionaire. Schwartz posted a picture of a book cover parody called “Internet Memes for Dummies,” seemingly chiding Musk for his frequent meme tweets over the years. He urged his Twitter followers to read the book as soon as possible.

When asked by one of his followers why he was mocking Musk’s meme obsession, Schwartz responded that he was an “equal opportunity mocker” and pointed out that Musk often does things that are “extremely mockable.

Schwartz is an active Twitter user who posts about various topics beyond cryptocurrencies. In this instance, he chose to troll Elon Musk. However, in the past, he also congratulated Musk (in his unique style) on winning the Tesla case against the SEC, which began in 2018.

On February 4th, Schwartz tweeted “I’m taking XRP private at $420. Funding secured,” but despite all of his tweets targeting Musk, the latter remains a vocal advocate for Dogecoin and has paid no attention to XRP or Ripple Labs. Additionally, Musk has never commented on the SEC’s case against Ripple about the XRP sales.

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