RippleX, the Ripple Devs team that supports XRPL developers with tools and services has released the Wave 4 awardees of XRPL Grants.

Announcing the Wave 4 awardees of #XRPLGrants! We’re excited to award more than $2.6 million in funding to 25 teams from six continents building new use cases on the #XRPLedger.”

Among the awarded Projects we could see the e-commerce sector, event ticketing, ID verification and fraud protection, pet ownership that uses NFTs for identification and many others like for example heath projects involving athletic performance data.

The XRPLGrant is a great chance for every XRPL developer to start building his/her own project. RippleX in fact, beside the financial support, helps Devs in several technical issues and in strengthening their network.

The XRPLGrant program started in 2021 and during the only the last year 3 Waves have been carried out.

In Wave 2, Aesthetes the Italian startup that merges Fine Art and blockchain with the aim to democratise the Art Industry have been awarded.

Thanks to the XRPLGrant networking Aesthetes started in the previous months also an important partnership with AnChain (a US startup awarded in Wave3) in order to increase the compliance of the platform transactions.

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